Monday, April 20, 2009

The Higher Math

This item goes into the file: "Discretionary Logic."

Here's a tip. I just figured it out myself.

According to semiotics, an "equals" sign (=) means "equals." Okay. No problem.

It doesn't matter what numbers or letters are before or after it. "Equals" means "equals." Duh.

Obviously, Einstein realized this. I mean, think about it: e=mc(squared). Hahahaha. What a kidder. He just made that up out of nothing.

The really cool thing is this: after he made it up out of whole cloth, probably in a dream after drinking something revelatory, the universe began behaving that way. That's why the atom bomb was possible. Simple cause/effect. Anyone will tell you that that equation led to the atom bomb. Ergo . . .

The "equals" sign is as valuable in the modern world as "if" was for Touchstone.

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