Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Things I've Carried

This topic deserves broader attention--I've carried many things physical and emotional--but I'll just get in a note now.

My wife was looking for a tray of some kind to set in the window sill so she could start some herbs.

I remembered: I have some trays. They're in my darkroom. They're all I have left from my first teaching job, at Wayne State University, which ended 33 years ago.

That means that in several moves, and in a cross-country return-to-land-of-my-birth trip(who says you can't go home again), I carried those trays, originally from the Wayne State University cafeteria, to use in darkroom work, probably lifted at a time when, on a beginning teacher's salary in a foreign city, I couldn't afford to buy darkroom trays.

If WSU wants them, and contacts me, I'll be glad to ship them back. Otherwise, these plastic trays, with their Wayne State University logo, are my best memory of the place. 1970-1976. RIP

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